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Duerst for Verona
Training session with local firefighter.
Led and organized by Mike
Farm Bureau Safety Class
Here is a picture of some of the seven different fire departments to show up at the safety class that Mike put on for Farm Bureau.
Dane Safety Day
Dane Safety Grain Entrapment
Rescuing the Injured
Teaching firefighters on how to get into equipment and remove a person with the least amount of injuries as possible.
Safety Class
Here is a picture of 4 different fire departments working together to rescue the injured person in a machine.
Working Together
Taking it Down
Here the fireman is leaning the proper way to get an auger down from this piece of machinery without hurting anyone.
Cutting the Auger
This is the firefighters cutting off the auger and the fighting to remove it from the machine so they can safely take it down.
Saving the Child
Here is picture of an infant stuck in an auger and the firefighters are going to go about removing the infant to safety.
Safety Class
If you look at the left side of this picture the firefighters removed the snoot so they could remove the victim from between the rolls of the cornhead.
Cornhead Safety
Here is 3 different fire departmetns working together to remove the subject from between rows of a cornhead.
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