Duerst for Verona
I support Mike Duerst for Town of Verona Board Supervisor. He served on the Town Board for 10 years, also served as the Town’s Public Works Chair and on the EMS Commission for 10 years. While on the EMS Commission he was the Financial Committee Chair and assisted with district union negotiations 2 times.
Mike has lived in Verona his entire life. During that time he has witnessed many changes in the area from when there was only one water tower serving the village, thru the growth of Epic and the building of the new Town of Verona complex. All through these years Mike has been aware and continues to be aware of both the local challenges as well as the Verona Township-wide challenges.
Mike Duerst Believes that having Board members from various geographical areas in the Township creates a more equitable representation for Town of Verona residents. That results in a better democratically functioning entity. Two current supervisors are next door neighbors living on a dead-end cul-de-sac in the Southeast part of the Township. The third, if elected, also lives in this same area. In contrast, Mike lives in the Southwest part of the Township.
Mike is very much aware that Agriculture makes up most of the Town of Verona’s land area. Consequently, Mike thinks it is important to have someone with his experience and knowledge sitting at the table with other Town Board Supervisors who do not have the same experience and/or knowledge.
Mike and his brother Tom are successful owners/operators of a 4th generation, Century Farm both of whom understand the business side of agriculture. Because of his partnership with his brother, he knows the value of other points of view. Furthermore because of his decades of experience not only does he have the discipline and intellect required to successfully run his farm business but also has the discipline and intellect it takes to help address the many issues which are currently facing the Town.
Mike is in favor of controlled growth in the Town because he recognizes its importance to both the Town’s tax base and the community. During his recent town board tenure an extra $123,000 was realized by the Town because of that added tax base.
For all the reasons stated above I encourage you to join me in marking your calendars to vote for Mike Duerst for Town Board Supervisor on April 5, 2022! Also, I encourage you to talk with your neighbors about Mike’s outstanding qualifications.
DuWayne Hoffman, Township Taxpayer
Fellow Town Residents,
As a supervisor with Mike Duerst for four years on the Town Board, I always appreciated his understanding of equipment and his ability to provide good advice to those of us who have not been around tractors, mowers, and trucks. This knowledge is critical as maintaining roads, mowing ditches and snow removal costs are a major part of the Town Budget.
Mike also has a knowledge of the history of the Town as he has lived most of his life in the Town. His perspective of Town issues was always appreciated, and his common sense approach served the Town well. He was supportive of the 2019 Comprehensive Plan which provides for keeping the rural character of the Town as well as managing a modest growth. Growth is essential for keeping the Town’s mill rate from increasing over time. Mike understands this. With Mike’s understanding of budgets during his time as a supervisor, the Board approved the building of the Town Hall without going into debt.
Mike farms with his brother Tom and thus he appreciates rural character and the issues faced by farmers. Who better to help preserve farmland than a farmer?
Mike is known for asking the tough questions from applicants requesting land splits and rezoning.
Mike is a fair and common-sense person who will represent the interests of all residents of the Town. He will always listen to different points of view.
For these reasons, I support Mike Duerst for the 3rd Supervisor position on the Town Board.
Please encourage your neighbors to vote for Mike Duerst on April 5th at the Verona Town Hall or by absentee ballot.
Douglas Maxwell
Chair, Town of Verona Plan Commission
Vote for Mike Duerst and Debbie Paul for the Verona Town Board.
Vote for Diversity, Knowledge and Experience! Key qualities for a town
Mike Duerst is a life long resident of the town, a farmer, a committed, hard
working volunteer who has been a town supervisor for 10 years and a most
significant member of the Public Works Committee.Mike has an
encyclopedic knowledge of the town roads, their construction and
maintenance and of the heavy equipment necessary to maintain them.
Mike is especially knowledgeable about the Sugar River, the Sugar River
Valley and the storm water issues the whole region is currently dealing with.
As a farmer he has extensive knowledge and historical recollection of
weather events and flooding which has impacted the area.
Mike is knowledgeable of the issues the town faces with the City of Madison,
the City of Verona and Dane County. He is acutely aware of the restrictions
placed on the town due to annexations of town land and extraterritorial
While not a politician, Mike is a good listener and has a direct, practical way
of communicating and getting to the heart of an issue.
Maintaining Mike's knowledge and experience is critical as we move forward.
Mike is a practical decision maker who has contributed significantly to
maintain the town's financial stability and keeping it free from debt without
increases in town taxes.( As a personal example my town taxes have gone up
only $101 since I moved here in 2002-a period of 20 years)
Debbie Paul is a business owner and landscaper who has been a most
significant member of the Town Planning Commission for 17 years and has
been instrumental in developing the town's comprehensive plan, subdivision
regulation, and the town's boundary agreement with the City of Verona.Her
knowledge and experience needs to be retained by the town.
It is vital to have Mike and Debie in decision making roles. As one supervisor
rightly said "the committees are only advisory to the board". If
knowledgeable people's recommendations can be tossed aside by less
knowledgeable people on the board we will lose a great deal.
The town board is always encouraging citizens to participate and attend
meetings and serve on committees.Newcomers and learners need to be
heard but should not be the final decision makers.
Vote for Mike Duerst and Debbie Paul in the April 5th election.
John Senseman
Town of Verona
Vote for Mike Duerst for Town of Verona Supervisor #3
I support Mike Duerst for Town Board Supervisor #3 because he has been an integral part of the Town of Verona all his life. He is a business owner (farmer), has been a Town Board Supervisor, offers diversity to the Board, supports the rural character of the Town, and smart growth for the area. Mike has spent 10 years on the EMS Commission, chaired the Finance Committee, and was on the Public Works Committee since its inception, being the chair one year.
Mike owns and operates a Century Farm in the Town. He would be the only farmer on the Board if elected. Mike knows about the diverse features of Town, from agricultural lands, open areas, wooded trails, residential development, and the Sugar River Flood plain. His farm is located on the Sugar River. Mike thinks about the community. He organized safety days for area firefighters to learn about rescues pertaining to agriculture. He is part of Farm Bureau who have contributed to the Verona Food Pantry. He has seen many changes in the Town and seeks to maintain its diversity of character and will strive to create a viable future.
Do the Town citizens want to have 3 of the 5 Board members living in the same southeast neighborhood of the Town? Two being next door neighbors and the third within walking distance. These 3 potential Board members are part of the same neighborhood association and have similar viewpoints. Mike lives in a different location, the southwest area, and offers a different common-sense perspective from these other potential Board Supervisors. The Town Board needs diversity in its members in order to look outside the box for options to consider.
Mike gets things done! He listens to others and knows how to solve problems. He has negotiated better prices for equipment for the Town and his votes on the Town Board have lowered the Town’s mill rate for taxpayers. He spent time driving around the Town roads to check for needed maintenance. He is willing to work with other Board members to create a bright future to the Town.
Mike deserves your vote! He offers the DIVERSITY the Town Board needs. Mike stands up for All the Residents of the Town.
Deb Herfel
Town of Verona
Debbie Paul and Mike Duerst are the Right Choices for the Verona Town Board
Spring elections are just around the corner and the Town has a choice in filling the Third and Fourth Supervisor seats. My choice and vote is for Mike Duerst and Deborah A. Paul to fill these positions.
Both Deborah (Debbie) and Mike have broad and comprehensive experience in Town of Verona Governance, add valuable expertise to the Town Board, and both have shown they’ll work tirelessly for the Town and its citizens.
Mike is a long time resident of the Town, and has an extensive knowledge of our town’s history, roads, soils, streams, natural areas, and community. He also brings in-depth knowledge of farming and agriculture, which is the largest land use within our town.
A prominent goal of our Town’s Comprehensive Plan and I believe most of our Town residents is to maintain the rural character of our town. This means we need to ensure farming and agriculture continues to be a major land use in our Town. A good way to accomplish this to have farming and agricultural perspectives as well as skills represented at every board meeting, and electing Mike to the Town Board will make this a reality.
Debbie is a local business owner who has lived in the Town for the past 17 years and is focused on beautifying our landscape and built environment. She represented the Town on the Joint Town/City Land Use Committee, has served on the Town Plan Commission for multiple years, and has broad-ranging knowledge of our Town’s Comprehensive Land-Use plan and Subdivision Ordinance.
Our Town’s Comprehensive Plan is a guide for future development to specific areas within the Town so the rural character of our Town is maintained and our most productive farmland preserved. Debbie was fully engaged in the development and adoption of this important Town plan and will help assure the goals of the plan are at the forefront at each of the Town Board meetings.
The election of Debbie Paul and Mike Duerst bring skills and expertise that will benefit the Town. They also reside in different areas of the Town providing for a more balanced and equal representation of the residents throughout the Town of Verona.
More can be learned about each of these very capable candidates’ at “debpaultownofverona.com” and “duerstforverona.com”
Manfred R. Enburg
Town of Verona
Mike Duerst
7309 Riverside Road
Verona, WI 53593
Paid for by friends of Mike Duerst
Mike Duerst Treasurer
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